Situla of buffers

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The Kuffern situla was found in a gravel pit near Kuffern in the Lower Austrian municipality of Statzendorf in 1891 and was recovered by Lambert Karner . It is an approximately 25 cm high bronze situla (Latin for " bucket "), which was widespread in the Etruscan - Italian area and in the Hallstatt culture in the Bronze and Early Iron Ages . It dates from the 5th century BC. Chr. And is decorated with a chased figural relief . The situle art is typical of the cultures of this time in the region and an important source of contemporary images.


The situla of buffers is the bronze work in the so-called "situle style" that has so far been documented furthest northeast. The main areas of distribution of this ornament are northern Italy and the Slovene - Carniolan region. In comparison with the Schnabelkanne from Dürrnberg, this situla is in the Hallstatt tradition and shows little influence of the younger La Tene style .

Scenes from the life of a Celtic gentleman can be seen on a circumferential band on the situla of buffers .

  • The first scene shows a man who is resting on a chair and holding a drinking bowl. A servant clad in an apron draws wine from a situla into this bowl. A third clothed man (with a kind of hat) carries away two vessels (with lids). On the right is a fourth, small person, perhaps a child with the same head covering.
  • This is followed by a frame with turned stands that terminate in busts at the top. Six buckets hang on the frame.
  • A boxing scene follows on the right. Two naked athletes fight with dumbbell-shaped objects. The winner should be entitled to a bronze helmet shown between the two as a prize. The helmet, adorned with rich feathers, hangs on a turned stand. To the left of the athletes are two referees, each holding a forked rod in their hand.
  • More than half of the frieze is taken up by a chariot race. Next to the starter, who is holding up a stick, there is another small figure and a rooster, looking at the boxers. To the right of it, two horsemen chase four chariots. The light, two-wheeled chariots are pulled by two stallions each. The wagon drivers, dressed in different pairs, stand stooped on their vehicle, the reins in their left hand, a rod or a whip in their right. The driver in front is shown turning to his pursuers while a bird clings to the long back of the charioteer. Charioteers and horsemen wear the pointed helmets characteristic of the early La Tène period. The rest of the actors, including the children, are almost all wearing some sort of hat.

The original is in the Natural History Museum in Vienna .

See also


  • Lambert Karner : About a bronze situla find near Kuffarn in N. Ö. (Lecture) , in: Mittheilungen der Anthropologische Gesellschaft, NF 11, 1891, pp. 68–71
  • Otto H. Urban: Guide to the prehistory of Austria . Bundesverlag Vienna 1989 ISBN 3-215-06230-5 pp. 198/99

Individual evidence

  1. a b Österreich Lexikon, Volume II, page 403
  2. ^ Susanne Sievers / Otto Helmut Urban / Peter C. Ramsl: Lexicon for Celtic Archeology. A-K and L-Z ; Announcements of the prehistoric commission in the publishing house of the Austrian Academy of Sciences , Vienna 2012, ISBN 978-3-7001-6765-5 , p. 974 f.

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