Société Tunisienne d'Industrie Automobile

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STIA plant

The Société Tunisienne d'Industrie Automobile ( STIA for short ) is an automobile and commercial vehicle manufacturer in Tunisia with headquarters in Sousse .


The STIA was founded on March 30, 1961. Assembly of the Renault 4 began in January 1964 . The first commercial vehicles were manufactured three years later. In 1972 Citroën signed an agreement to assemble 2 CV and 3 CV. Peugeot vehicles were also assembled. This also included the 204 and 304 models , including those with a diesel engine. The Renault 5 was assembled at STIA in the early 1980s. Other models were Citroën LNA , Citroën Visa , Peugeot 305 and 504 pick-up .

In 1987 production was reoriented. With an amendment to the Tunisian Investment Act, the production of passenger cars and delivery vans was discontinued.

The company - together with IMM in Kairouan and the SETCAR company - is currently limited to the production of buses, tractors and trucks with a total annual production of 1500 units. The clients are General Motors, Iveco, Ikarus, Renault and Scania. In 2002 an agreement was signed with Daimler.

The company currently has 750 employees.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ A b c STIA: Société Tunisienne d'Industrie Automobile on
  2. L'histoire des voitures , on
  3. a b c Historique on the STIA website.
  4. Histoire Citroën ( Memento from August 16, 2016 in the Internet Archive )
  5. ^ Tunisia Deal for Peugeot , in New York Times, March 31, 1981
  6. ^ Jean-Marie Miossec: L'affirmation de la fonction économique de Tunis . In: Villes en Parallèle . tape 2 , 1978, p. 91–120 , doi : 10.3406 / vilpa.1978.890 ( ).
  7. ^ Renault va construire deux unités de production in Tunisie. In: Le Monde . April 16, 1982, accessed January 18, 2019 (French).
  8. Banque Centrale de Tunisie, 25ème Rapport d'activité. Exercice 1983 .
  9. a b Jorge Carrillo Viveros, Yanick Lung, Rob Van Tulder, Cars, Carriers of regionalism? Madrid 2004, pp. 267-268.
  10. ^ L'Industrie Automobile Française au Maghreb , working document of the French Ministry of Economic Affairs from October 2005.