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The pay is the payment for certain services ( payment ), especially for soldiers and mercenaries .

Salary is the term used to describe the remuneration of civil servants and judges. Instead of a pension, the German President receives what is known as honorary pay .

Word origin

The German word Sold is derived from solidus , a gold coin that was introduced around 309 by the Roman Emperor Constantine the Great (306–337 AD). The words mercenary and soldier are also derived from the word sold . Another earlier name for the remuneration of soldiers is tractament or tractement .


In ancient Greece , the payment of wages begins under Pericles , in ancient Rome at the time of the king from the municipal treasury - from the state treasury only since 406 AD every six months or annually. The cash wages, including the salarium (salt ration), corresponded to the wages of the rural workers.

The Germans began paying wages occasionally under Charlemagne and was fully developed by the Hanseatic League in the 13th century, in England around 1050.

After the decay of the army ban , feudal succession and knighthood , recruited mercenaries formed the bulk of the armies until the end of the 18th century. The regular payment of wages only began with the rise of the standing armies . Up until the First World War , men and officers received wages paid out in cash in advance for a decade ( wages roll call), while officers received a monthly salary . The payment amount and the payment dates were recorded in the pay book .


Pay is provided in Germany for civil servants , soldiers and professional judges . The salary is paid monthly in advance and is regulated by law.

The German legislature regulates the military pay for soldiers of the Bundeswehr in the military pay law and the so-called pay groups, according to which the level of benefits is determined. The regulations for community service providers can be found in Section 35 (2) ZDG .


In Switzerland, both soldiers, members have the civil defense organization and civil service are entitled to pay. This is tax-free, non-attachable pocket money, which is paid out to soldiers in cash and to those doing community service by bank transfer at the end of the month. Depending on the pay level, the amount is between 4 and 30 francs . In addition, these three groups are entitled to income compensation .

Web links

Wiktionary: Sold  - Explanations of meanings, word origins, synonyms, translations

Individual evidence

  1. cf. Ordinance on the Administration of the Army