Song of Songs (2006)

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Original title Song of Songs
Country of production GB
original language English
Publishing year 2006
length 81 minutes
Director Josh Appignanesi
script Josh Appignanesi , Jay Basu
production Gayle Griffiths
music John Roome
camera Well Segal
cut Nicolas Chaudeurge

The film Song of Songs was shot in the UK and lasts 81 minutes. The director is the newcomer Josh Appigagnesi , whose mother is a writer.


Ruth left her family to go to Israel after her father committed suicide. But when the mother is dying, she returns to England to bring home her brother David, who has turned away from his family and his religion. In the end, Ruth managed to bring David home, but only on the condition that her mother did not find out about it. So David begins to teach Ruth “his” Bible, especially the Song of Songs . The tension between the siblings increases until it escalates with the death of the mother and a terrible family secret is revealed.



The film was presented at the Edinburgh Film Festival.

Song of Songs refers to the "Song of Songs", which is called "Song of Songs" in English. Quotes from the Bible are repeatedly incorporated into the film to demonstrate the obsessive love of the Orthodox Jew Ruth (Nathalie Press) for her brother (Joel Chalfen). Above all, this quote is the focus: Oh that you were my brother who sucked my mother's breasts! If I found you outside, I would kiss you and nobody should scold me! I wanted to guide you and bring you to my mother's house and teach you .

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