Sonja Deuter

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Sonja Deuter (born March 26, 1959 in Kassel ) is a Hamburg politician on the Green Alternative List (GAL) and a former member of the Hamburg Parliament .

Life and work

Sonja Deuter has lived in Hamburg since 1981. After completing secondary school, she trained as a reproduction photographer . After studying social sciences on the second educational path in 1990, she was employed as a scientific adviser for the women's parliamentary group of the Greens and, up to and including 1994, for the later GAL parliamentary group for the areas of women, disabled people, children and youth. She then completed another degree in social management and subsequently worked in a management consultancy specializing in business start-ups and innovation.

This was followed by her political mandate and office in the Hamburg citizenship . Then she was the first chairwoman of the Association of Single Mothers and Fathers (VAMV), Landesverband Hamburg e. V. and management of the advice center.

Since then she has worked as a project manager and project developer for numerous initiatives in Hamburg. Since 2010 she has been advising and accompanying the restructuring of the former millionways e. V., Hamburg, into today's foundation millionways, based in Berlin, and the former millionways UG into today's stock corporation millionways AG, also based in Berlin. Today she works for the millionways foundation as a project developer for projects in the areas of potential development, talent development and the shortage of skilled workers.

Sonja Deuter is the mother of two children.


She was a member of the Hamburg Parliament for the Green Alternative List (GAL) in the 16th electoral period from 1997 to 2001. For her parliamentary group , she created the family policy department and acted as the first national parliamentary group spokesperson for family policy. During this time she also held the office of Second Vice President of the Citizenship of the Free and Hanseatic City of Hamburg.

During her political work and her term of office, she mainly worked to improve the living conditions of families and to strengthen the rights of families, women, children and people with disabilities. During this time she was a member of the Council of Elders, the Equal Opportunities Committee and the Youth and Sports Committee.

Shortly before the end of the 16th electoral term, she drew a negative balance sheet on the success of government participation in the coalition with the SPD. She said: "The green and red tigers, who had roared so fearlessly before the election, ended up as tame bed rugs in front of the red-green coalition bed." In addition, she spoke out against the newly founded electoral association Rainbow - For a new left , the was not an alternative for them. She said that politics "that is always against, [...] does not allow creative design." Later she resigned from the GAL, because the party more and more its actual principles, such as B. the nonviolence, would have betrayed.

Literature and individual references

  • Citizens Manual of the Citizenship of the Free and Hanseatic City of Hamburg, 16th electoral period (August 1997), p. 34.
  1. "Hamburg's Greens are tame bed rugs" , article in Die Welt from April 7, 2001
  2. [1]