Sophie Heldman

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Sophie Heldman (* 1973 in Hamburg ) is a German director .


Heldman was born in 1973 as the daughter of a Mexican and a German in Hamburg and grew up in Switzerland. She spent the years 1993 to 1996 in the USA, where she was able to gain her first film experience with independent productions in New York and South Carolina. In 1996 she began studying directing at the German Film and Television Academy Berlin (DFFB).

In addition to her studies, she worked as an assistant director for Sydney Pollack , Stina Werenfels , Daniel Schmid and Xavier Koller . Her graduation film at the DFFB Satte Farben vor Schwarz was also her feature film debut.


  • 2001: Nomination for the Max Ophüls Prize , category best short film, for Icke
  • 2010: Nomination for the First Steps Award for rich colors over black
  • 2010: Participation in the competition at the San Sebastián Film Festival for saturated colors before black
  • 2011: Award of the Russian Film Critics for Rich Colors Before Black at the 9th Spirit of Fire International Film Festival , Siberia
  • 2011: Studio Hamburg Young Talent Award "Best Screenplay"

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