Sophie von Knorring

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Sofia Margareta von Knorring

Sofia Margareta "Sophie" von Knorring (born September 28, 1797 in Gräfsnäs , Västergötland , † February 13, 1848 in Skålltorp , Skärvs socken ) was a Swedish novelist.


The daughter of the Swedish court marshal Zelow married the Colonel Baron Sebastian von Knorring in 1820 . After she had already written short stories and short stories in her seventh year, she published her first novel Cousinerna anonymously in 1834 , which caused an unusual stir.

Even belonging to higher society, Sophie von Knorring preferred to describe life in these circles, light and lively, in a way that testifies to fine observation; but she also knew how to extract its characteristic sides from popular life. Most of her novels have also been translated into German.


  • Vannerna (1835)
  • Axel (1836)
  • Qvinnorna (1836)
  • Illusionerna (1836)
  • Standing parallel (1838)
  • Sketcher (1841)
  • Torparen och hans omgifning ( Eng . The settler and his surroundings , 1843)
  • Förhoppningar (1843)
  • Nya Skizzer (1845)
  • Bref till hemmet under en sommarresa 1846 (1847)


  • Barbro Nelson: Sophie von Knorring. En svensk romanförfattarinnas liv och dikt . Stockholm: Bonnier, 1927.

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