So to speak!

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So to speak!
Radio show from Munich
publication since 2008
production Bavaria 2
Moderation Knut Cordsen, Thomas Meyerhöfer (former)

So to speak! Comments on the German language is a radio broadcast by Bayerischer Rundfunk (BR). The linguistic magazine runs on Fridays from 3:20 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. on Bayern 2 .

The program is dedicated to the grammar , syntax and semantics of language . Peculiarities - mostly of the German - language are presented. Local differences in dialects (including those from Switzerland and Austria) are also taken into account, as are language trends in other languages.

Werner Müller, who is also known as the station's language assistant , is often represented as a guest in the studio. With Müller, the “grammar school teacher for German and Latin”, letters to the editor about peculiarities of the German language are answered. At irregular intervals, further guest posts will be sent to the buffer column . Wiglaf Droste, among others, was involved as an author .

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