Space Zombie Bingo !!!

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Original title Space Zombie Bingo !!!
Country of production United States
original language English
Publishing year 1993
length 75 minutes
Director George Ormrod
script George Ormrod,
John Sabotta
production George Ormrod,
John Sabotta
music Art on Fire
camera Francis Doty ,
Alan Halfhill ,
John Standeart
cut Alan Halfhill,
George Ormrod,
Paul Vitous ,
Paul Vitous
  • William Darkow: Major Kent Bendover
  • Ramona Provost: Barbie Q
  • Hugh Crawford: General Herpes Simplex
  • Michael Wood: Dr. Shiest head

Space Zombie Bingo !!! is a science fiction film from the year 1993 , the studio Troma Entertainment is sold.

The user rating in the Internet Movie Database comes to an average of only 2.5.


Alien zombies land on earth. There they kill people and exhume the dead. First of all, various, each failing attempts are made to repel the invasion by counterattacking the home planet of the zombies, by nuclear strikes on the largest cities on earth or by throwing the earth into the sun. When this doesn't work, a secret weapon is used.

Production engineering

The film was produced on a very low budget and consciously uses technical means that have long been obsolete in the year of production. The extraterrestrial zombies, for example, wear flippers and welding goggles to which balls are attached with wires that are reminiscent of the antennae of insects .

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. a b Entry in the Internet Movie Database ; last accessed: December 15, 2019