Special profiled class

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A special profiled class (SPK) was a special form of vocational training with a high school diploma within regular vocational schools in the GDR , which also included flight training. Such special classes existed from 1986 to 1990. The entire training served as preparation for the subsequent studies at the officers' college of the air forces / air defense for military aviators Otto Lilienthal .

One of the admission requirements was a one-week medical examination to prove suitability for the profession of pilot. This investigation took place at the Institute for Aviation Medicine (IfLM) in Königsbrück . Furthermore, previous glider training at the Society for Sport and Technology on one and two-seater gliders was usually on the SZD-9 Bocian and / or the SZD-50 Puchacz and the SZD-30 Pirat , but not a mandatory requirement. This preparation was done from the age of 13 or 14 years.

In the special profiled classes, the following training courses were completed within three years:

  1. Abitur (without biology, music and art)
  2. Vocational training as a skilled worker
  3. Flight training on single-engine sport aircraft

The flight training took place at the Society for Sport and Technology on Zlin Z-42 and Zlin Z-43 and included cross-country flights, simple aerobatics and a parachute jump, which was carried out at the Halle-Oppin airfield . Jumping was carried out with a round canopy from an Antonov An-2 ;

Training locations for BOB (BerufsOffiziersBewerber) from the northern districts of the GDR were

the flight training took place at Schönhagen airfield .

For the southern districts, the aeronautical training took place at the Chemnitz-Jahnsdorf airfield , school and vocational training locations were Riesa , Radebeul and Karl-Marx-Stadt (today Chemnitz ).

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