Spheric Music

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Spheric Music is a German music label founded by Lambert Ringlage in 1991 that specializes in electronic music . The label, which was initially founded for its own albums under Lambert, has now become one of the best-known independent German labels with their own music productions and distribution for genre-specific releases.

Artists such as Alien Nature, Apeiron, Axess, Erik Seifert , Berlin Heritage, Bertrand Loreau, Food for Fantasy , Hypnosphere, Indra, Jiannis, Klangwelt , Lambert , Rudolf Heimann, Robert Schroeder , Palantir and Vanderson were and are produced.

On March 5, 2005, the label hosted the Spheric Music Festival in Essen . The artists Erik Seifert , Alien Nature, Rainbow Serpent and Wolfram Spyra & Chris Lang played at the event . Despite good visitor numbers and positive criticism, no follow-up event took place.

For its 25th anniversary, Spheric Music released the sampler "Spheric Music - Silver" with unpublished titles by its artists and guests ( Joel Fajerman , Klaus Schulze ).


  1. Concert report on the Spheric Music Festival 2005 by Stephan Schelle (MusikZirkus-Magazin)

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