Common morel

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Pointed morel
Morchella conica LC0125.jpg

Pointed Morel ( Morchella elata )

Subdivision : Real ascent mushrooms (Pezizomycotina)
Class : Pezizomycetes
Order : Cuplets (Pezizales)
Family : Morel relatives (Morchellaceae)
Genre : Morels ( Morchella )
Type : Pointed morel
Scientific name
Morchella elata
Fr  .: Fr.

The common morel ( Morchella elata , syn .: M. conica ) is a type of hose fungus from the morel relatives family .


Asci and spores of the norway

The pointed morel forms 5–15 cm, in exceptional cases up to 30 cm high, hollow fruiting bodies ( complex pharmacies ), which are divided into a hat and stem. The hat becomes 3–10 cm high and 1.5–4 cm wide. It is cylindrical to conical in shape, the surface has a surface structured by more or less parallel longitudinal ribs and connecting them, somewhat lower transverse ribs. The surface of the hat is gray to olive brown in color, the longitudinal ribs take on a blackish color with age. The edge of the hat is fused with the stem. The stem of the pointed morel is 3–6 cm long and 1.5–4 cm wide, it is hollow like the hat, its surface is pitted-wrinkled, sticky-grainy and whitish to light brown in color.

Ecology and phenology

The pointed morel grows as a saprobiont in alluvial forests, gardens, parks, deciduous and coniferous forests, often on damaged soils, in wood storage areas and on fire sites. It also occurs on areas covered with bark mulch, which means that it is often found in the area of ​​settlements.

In Central Europe, their fruiting bodies appear from March to May.


dried morel, brewed

The pointed morel is a very popular edible mushroom, whose taste is still above the table morel . In Germany, like all species of the genus Morchella, it is under nature protection under the Federal Species Protection Ordinance. You are only allowed to collect small amounts for your own needs. The common morel is the most expensive native naturally occurring fungus.

Since the black morel is poisonous when raw, the mushroom must either be boiled for 5 minutes or dried for at least 6 months. It is therefore mainly available in the dry state in stores.


  • Hans E. Laux: The great cosmos mushroom guide. All edible mushrooms with their poisonous doppelgangers. Franckh-Kosmos, Stuttgart 2001, ISBN 3-440-08457-4 .
  • Josef Breitenbach, Fred Kränzlin (Ed.): Mushrooms of Switzerland. Contribution to knowledge of the fungal flora in Switzerland. Volume 1: Ascomycetes (Ascomycetes). Mykologia, Luzern 1981, ISBN 3-85604-010-2 .

Web links

Commons : Morchella conica  - collection of images
Commons : Morchella elata  - collection of images