St. Marien (Lügde)

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St. Marien, Lügde
inner space

The Catholic parish church of St. Marien is a listed church building in Lügde in the Lippe district ( North Rhine-Westphalia ).

History and architecture

The cruciform, rib-vaulted basilica was built in 1894/95 based on designs by Lambert von Fisenne . The Gothic west tower is marked 1353, it was increased. The church in rich neo-Gothic forms was built of stone . To the north of the recently closed choir is the sacristy ; the counterpart from 1932 is on the south side. The building was extensively renovated from 1987 to 1989. The leaded glass windows were made based on templates by Victor von der Forst .


Anton Mormann : Death of St. Joseph with the assistance of Jesus and Mary
  • Three neo-Gothic altars were made by Mormann and Schweppenstedde.
  • The southern Seitenaltarretabel built main field is part of a 1520 from a Father Hermann from Antwerp made the altar with a figure-rich Calvary be. The reredos previously stood in Kilian's Church
  • The crucifix is a work from around 1420/30.
  • Several carved figures date from around the middle of the 19th century. The death of St. Josef von Mormann.
  • A plaque on the church commemorates Otto Günnewich .


Web links

Commons : St. Marien  - collection of images, videos and audio files

Coordinates: 51 ° 57 ′ 29.4 "  N , 9 ° 14 ′ 47.8"  E