City stage Vohenstrauss

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The city stage Vohenstrauß is a registered non-profit theater organization that from 1982 to 2009 on the castle ruins Leuchtenberg the Burgfestspiele Leuchtenberg organized.

In 2010, the Castle Festival and other theater events were carried out by the Landestheater Oberpfalz , a wholly owned subsidiary of the Vohenstrauss Stadtbühne.

The sources of the city stage are in the Vohenstraßen secondary school. From 1966 to 1981, the teacher Jürgen Weixelbaum delighted not only the audience but also the young people on stage with challenging school theater. Out of the school theater, some former students founded an amateur play group under the roof of the adult education center - later known as Volksbühne Vohenstrauss .

In 1982 representatives of the community of Leuchtenberg asked the amateur actors to perform a play in the inner courtyard of the Leuchtenberg castle ruins . The first production was The Miser by Moliere brought to the stage. The theater association Stadtbühne Vohenstrauß was founded in autumn of that year . One of the largest and most successful amateur theaters in Germany grew out of the guest performance under the leadership of artistic director Josef Pausch. The number of productions rose, musical theater sparked unbroken enthusiasm and around 650,000 visitors have come to the castle to date. The amateur stage became the second largest theater in the Upper Palatinate .

Since 2006, the Vohenstrauß Stadtbühne has also played in the hall of the Weiden regional library in the Upper Palatinate , especially in autumn and winter . There, demanding productions were offered on a small scale.

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