Standing Rock Agency

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James McLaughlin 1910

Standing Rock Agency , formerly Grand River Agency , is a base of the Bureau of Indian Affairs , a division of the US Department of the Interior, in Fort Yates , North Dakota . The agency is responsible for the Standing Rock Reservation . It was founded in South Dakota in 1868 on the banks of the Grand River under the Treaty of Fort Laramie . In 1874 the agency moved to North Dakota and changed its name to Standing Rock Agency. The agency is responsible for an area of ​​around 2.3 million acres (9,305 km²) and, according to its own information, looks after 15,568 members of the Standing Rock Sioux tribe. The agency's best-known Indian agent was the Canadian James McLaughlin . The Standing Rock Agency played a vital role in the Sioux Wars and in suppressing the ghost dance movement . The massacre at Wounded Knee (Lakota Chankpe Opi Wakpala) in 1890 is closely related to the agency. Primarily, Sioux who had fled the agency's territory were murdered in the Red Cloud Agency's territory . Over time, the agency ceded many tasks to the reserve administration. However, she is still responsible for the administration of the land, especially for leasing it to tribal and non-tribal members.

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Individual evidence

  1. ^ Bureau of Indian Affairs Building 194 Fort Yates, North Dakota 58538