Stanislaw Golachowski

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Stanisław Golachowski (born December 12, 1907 in Cieszyn , † January 10, 1951 in Łódź ) was a Polish musicologist and teacher.

Golachowski attended the mathematics and natural science high school in his hometown and from 1928 studied musicology at the Jagiellonian University under the direction of Zdzisław Jachimecki . In 1934 3 he received his master's degree for a thesis on the composer Antoni Stolpe . At the same time he was taking violin lessons at the Music Society Conservatory.

From 1934 to mid-1935 he was senior assistant at the Department of Music History and Theory at the Jagiellonian University, after which he became a music speaker at the Polish Radio and in 1936 editor and presenter for classical music in Warsaw. At the end of 1936 the Ministry of Religion and Public Education appointed him as an inspector for the music schools. During this time he became acquainted with Karol Szymanowski , on whose work he later worked scientifically.

From 1938 he edited the quarterly magazine Chopin for Towarzystwo Wydawnicze Muzyki Polskiej (Polish Music Publishing Society ) together with Constantin Regamey . During the German invasion of Poland, Golachowski was called up as a reserve officer in the Polish army. From 1940 he lived in Warsaw, where he organized concerts and conducted research in the field of musicology and musical acoustics. From 1943 he turned to the composer Szymanowski in his research.

After the war, in addition to Golachowski's musicological work, organizational and educational work also took place. He became deputy head of the music department and head of the department for the promotion of musical creativity at the Ministry of Culture and Art, member of the board of the Fryderyk Chopin Institute, music director of the Polish State Film Society and director of the Szymanowski Institute in Łódź. He also taught at the State Academy of Music and the State Film School in Łódź , was editor of Poradnik Muzyczny magazine and secretary of the committee for the commemoration of Karol Szymanowski .

In 1948 Golachowski suffered a stroke which forced him to limit his activities. From 1949 on, state funding for the Szymanowski Institute was also reduced. Golachowski spent almost all of 1950 in the hospital, but nevertheless compiled a detailed list of the archives on Karol Szymanowski before he died in 1951 at the age of 44.
