Stanislaw Kamocki

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Stanisław Kamocki (* 1875 in Warsaw , † 1944 in Zakopane ) was a Polish painter, graphic artist and university professor. He belonged to the Młoda Polska movement.


From 1891 to 1900 Kamocki studied under Leon Wyczółkowski , Jacek Malczewski and Jan Stanisławski at the Academy of Fine Arts in Kraków and then with two scholarships in 1901/1902 and 1904/1905 in Paris. From 1908 he taught at the Cracow Art School for Women "Maria Niedzielska" . In 1911 and again in 1924 he visited Italy. During the First World War he served in the 1st Brigade of the Polish Legions for three years . Kamocki later lived in Krakow and Zakopane, where he had his own studio. In 1919 he became head of the chair of landscape painting at the Cracow Academy, where he was appointed professor in 1937. His pupils were Antoni Teslar and Stanisław Borysowski . During the war he taught at the State School of Arts and Crafts (Polish: Państwowa Szkoła Rzemiosła Artystycznego ). From 1942 he taught painting at the State Folk Art School (Polish: Państwowa Szkoła Góralskiej Sztuki Ludowej) in Zakopane. He was a member of Towarzystwo Artystów Polskich "Sztuka" since 1906 , from 1911 to 1918 at the Vienna Secession , at the Warsaw Towarzystwo Zachęty Sztuk Pięknych and the Towarzystwa Sztuka Podhalańska society .
His grave is in the old cemetery ( Cmentarz Zasłużonych na Pęksowym Brzyzku ) in Zakopane.


In 1912 he married Zofia geb. Zathey, the daughter of a teacher and writer. His wife's sister, Jadwiga, was married to the painter Jan Wladyslaw Pochwalski , a son of Józef Kasper Pochwalski . Their children were the painters Kasper Pochwalski and Stanisław Pochwalski . A brother of Jan Wladyslaw Pochwalski was Kasimir Pochwalski .


Along with Stefan Filipkiewicz and Ludwik Misky, Kamocki was one of the most important representatives of symbolic landscape painting, represented by their teacher Stanisławski. Like Stanisławski, Kamocki also used thick oil paint. In open-air painting , views from Volhynia , Podolia , Spiš , Orava , areas around Krakow, Zakopane and the Tatras were created . Sometimes he also painted still lifes . Originally he created larger paintings on canvas; in the 1920s he painted almost exclusively on cardboard.

Kamocki exhibited with the TZSP in group exhibitions since 1899 and in a solo exhibition in 1917. The Society of Friends of the Fine Arts in Krakow organized a solo exhibition each in 1920 and 1935. His works have also been shown internationally - in Vienna, Budapest, Venice, Berlin, Prague, Moscow, Brussels and New York. Pictures of him are in the national museums in Krakow and Warsaw , as well as in regional museums in Sandomierz (Muzeum Okęgowe), Katowice (Muzeum Śląskie) and Bytom (Muzeum Górnośląske).

References and comments

  1. ^ Władysław Pochwalski (1860-1924) was a Polish painter and monument protector
  2. ^ Józef Kasper Pochwalski (1816–1875) was a Polish painter and restorer
  3. Kasper Pochwalski (1899–1971) was a Polish painter and restorer
  4. ^ Stanisław Pochwalski (1896-1959) was a Polish painter and restorer
  5. Stefan Filipkiewicz (1879-1944) was a Polish landscape painter and graphic artist
  6. ^ Ludwik Misky (1884–1938) was a Polish painter

Web links

  • Detailed biography of Irena Kossowska at (in Polish)
  • Pictures in by Witold Raczunas
  • Website about the artist from the Silesian Auction House (Śląski Dom Aukcyjny), in Polish