Stanisław Konstanty Pietruski

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Stanisław Konstanty Pietruski (born March 11, 1811 in Podhorodce , Austrian Empire , † January 28, 1874 in Zarwanica , Crown Land of Galicia ) was a Galician pomologist , entomologist and ornithologist .


Stanisław Konstanty Pietruski studied science at the University of Lviv from 1828 to 1830 . In 1831 he made a study trip to Germany in order to settle in Podhorce in the following years. There he founded the first private zoo in Galicia, which later became the largest in Poland. He kept 500 different animal species, most of which were birds. He carried out scientific examinations on animals and supplied zoological cabinets and natural science museums with animal preparations . He worked with Lorenz Oken , Alfred Brehm and Maksymilian von Nowicki-Siła . In 1843 he became a member of the German Academy of Sciences Leopoldina . In 1848 his zoo and most of his collection were destroyed by fire. Pietruski occupied himself with fruit growing experiments in the following years. From 1867 to 1869 he was director of the garden of the fruit and gardening society in Lemberg.

He was a member of the Cracow Scientific Society , the Zoological-Botanical Society in Vienna and other scientific societies.

Fonts (selection)

  • Historia naturalna zwierząt ssących dzikich galicyjskich , 1852
  • Historia naturalna i hodowla ptaków zabawnych i użytecznych , 4 volumes 1860–1866
  • O niektórych rzadszych krajowych zwierzętach ssących , 1869


Individual evidence

  1. ÖBL p. 68, see. weblinks
  2. Member entry of Stanislaus Konstantin von Siemuszowa-Pietruski at the German Academy of Natural Scientists Leopoldina , accessed on April 11, 2015.
  3. ÖBL p. 69, see. weblinks