Stanislav of Smolensk

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Stanislaw (* around 984 / 987 , † before 1015 ) was a son of Vladimir the Great and Prince of Smolensk (around 988 before 1015).


Stanislav was mentioned only twice in Old Russian chronicles, in a list of the sons of Vladimir and as Prince of Smolensk.

He was born around 984/987, the mother's name and origin are unknown. Probably around 988 he became Prince of Smolensk. In 1015 he was probably no longer alive.


  • Войтович Л .: Династія Рюриковичів. In: Князівські династії Східної Європи (кінець IX - початок XVI ст.). Lviv 2000, ISBN 966-02-1683-1


  1. Hypatius Chronicle in third from last place
  2. Nikon Chronicle
  3. The name Stanislaw indicates a Czech mother, there is no other prince with this name in the entire Kievan Rus
  4. He was no longer mentioned in the power struggles after his father's death.
  5. online