Stefan Zahlmann

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Stefan Zahlmann (* 1968 in Münster ) is a German historian.


From 1990 to 1995 he studied modern and recent history, middle history, pedagogy and German philology at the University of Münster . After the Magister Artium 1995 in Münster ( with distinction ; topic: the body in advertising in consumer society since the 1870s ), the doctorate in 1998 in Münster ( summa cum laude ; topic: cultures of conflict in feature films of the FRG and GDR ) and the habilitation in 2007 at the University of Konstanz (venia legendi: modern and recent history; topic: cultures of remembrance in the southern states of the USA after 1865 and in east Germany after 1989 ) he had grants and research grants from the German Research Foundation , Gerda Henkel Foundation , German Historical Institute Washington , Horner Library and the Cluster of Excellence 16 Cultural Foundations of Integration (Konstanz). He carried out teaching and research activities at universities and institutes in Berlin , Vienna , Constance , Washington, DC and Philadelphia . Since October 2010 he has been teaching on the professorship for the history and theory of media cultures (18th to 20th centuries) at the Institute for History at the University of Vienna .

His main research interests are media history and media theory, human-animal relations, German and American history, and body and gender history.

Fonts (selection)

  • Body and conflict. Cinematic memory culture in the FRG and GDR since the sixties . Berlin 2001, ISBN 3-8305-0219-2 .
  • as editor with Sylka Scholz : failure and biography. The other side of modern life stories . Giessen 2005, ISBN 3-89806-347-X .
  • Autobiographical processing of social failure. The elites of the American southern states after 1865 and the GDR after 1989 . Vienna 2009, ISBN 978-3-412-20288-0 .
  • as editor: As in the west, only different. Media in the GDR . Berlin 2010, ISBN 3-938714-11-5 .

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