Stefanie von Wietersheim

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Stefanie von Wietersheim (born October 25, 1970 in Frankfurt am Main ) is a German cultural scientist , journalist and book author.


Wietersheim grew up in Bielefeld , where she attended the humanistic Ratsgymnasium Bielefeld , where she graduated from high school. She then studied "Languages, Economic and Cultural Studies" at the University of Passau and the Université de Tours with a degree in cultural studies , for which she examined the influence of the Korean War on German rearmament in her thesis in the subject of modern and contemporary history. From 1993 she completed her studies as a scholarship holder of the Dr. Hans-Kapfinger-Stiftung an internship at the Passauer Neue Presse , with external positions at the Süddeutsche Zeitung , Abendzeitung and Fritz Karmann Medienproduktion and Verlag in Munich. Since completing her traineeship and studies, Wietersheim has been working as a freelance writer for daily and weekly newspapers, glossy magazines and film production, based in Paris and Toulouse for seven years. She is a reporter for the Frankfurter Allgemeine Sonntagszeitung (FAS) and writes the regular FAS column “Der Wohn-Knigge”.


  • Grand Paris. Savoir vivre for insiders and those who want to become one . Lifestyle BusseSeewald, Stuttgart 2017, ISBN 978-3-7724-7450-7 . (Illustrated by Maria Kleinschmidt)
  • Mothers & daughters. How we live and what connects us . Callwey, Munich 2015, ISBN 978-3-7667-2126-6 (with photos by Claudia von Boch)
  • To live on happiness with books . Callwey, Munich 2012, ISBN 978-3-7667-1934-8 (with photos by Claudia von Boch).
  • Women & their refuges . Callwey, Munich 2010, ISBN 978-3-7667-1828-0 (with photos by Claudia von Boch).
  • France business know-how. This will make your business trip a success . Redline Wirtschaft, Heidelberg 2007, ISBN 978-3-636-01529-7 (with Christoph Barmeyer ).

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