Steinkirchen (Dachau)

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The hamlet of Steinkirchen is part of the Upper Bavarian district town of Dachau . The small town is located immediately north of the city ​​center on a hill above the Webelsbach .


St. Stefan in Steinkirchen

St. Stephanus is the name of the branch church in Steinkirchen.


There is hardly a place in Dachau and the Dachau region that has been painted as often as the small church of St. Stefanus in Steinkirchen. It is located on a hill above the Webelsbach. No artist from the famous Dachau artist colony failed to paint this piece of Dachau history at least once. The open-air painters of the Dachau artists' colony loved this view: from the so-called "Lange Gasse", a field lane in Etzenhausen in the northwest of Dachau via Steinkirchen to the historic old town of Dachau. Above Steinkirchen, in a grove , there is an excellent vantage point of the countryside, Dachau and, at Föhn , of the Alpine chain.


The place was first mentioned in a document dated February 13, 804 as "Steininchiricha". At that time a man named Starcholf and his son Hiltolf gave their property in Kreuzholzhausen to the diocese of Freising . The certificate was issued in Steininchiricha. Not all historians are of the opinion that it was the stone church near Dachau.

At that time, a stone building was a sensation; so big that the place where a stone church stood was christened "stone churches".

The Dachau original parish was probably in Steinkirchen. Towards the end of the 13th century this parish was divided. One part became the parish of Dachau-St.Jakob, the other part of the parish Mitterndorf , to which the previous parish church Steinkirchen belonged as a branch church. So Steinkirchen lost its importance.

Originally built in the early Romanesque style, the church may also have served as a fortified church. The church was rebuilt in the Gothic period (around 1500); The tower in its current form is also likely to date from this period. The old roof structure made of hewn wooden beams is extremely remarkable. They were put together without iron nails; a prime example of old carpentry. Although there is no cemetery, many Russians and French who were wounded in the Battle of Austerlitz (1805) and cared for in Dachau Castle are buried around the church . During a transport of sick people to Dachau, a plague-like disease broke out, which raged so violently among the prisoners that they did not dare to bury them in the Dachau cemetery and to bring them quickly to Steinkirchen.

St. Michael was the church patron until 1560 . Not until 1738 is there a report of a Stephanus church.

Since 2013, the little church has also been of interest to photographers who want to present old and new in one picture. The first Dachau wind turbine has been rising up into the sky behind the 1000-year-old building since 2013.


Steinkirchen and the hilly landscape in the Dachauer Land

Web links

Commons : Steinkirchen  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Bavarian State Library Online: Steinkirchen. Rubric: place database. Retrieved June 4, 2015.
  2. ^ City of Dachau: Viewpoints in Dachau. Accessed January 2, 2020 .
  3. a b c d e Steinkirchen - St.Stefan - churches and chapels in the Dachau region. Accessed January 2, 2020 .