Stephen Grew

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Stephen Grew (* around 1970) is a British jazz and improvisation musician ( piano , keyboards ).

Live and act

Grew, who is from Lancashire , worked from the early 1990s a. a. with Pat Thomas (Duos on Pianoforte , 2003), Graham Clark ( Improvisations Series One , 2008) and as keyboardist in the live electronic band Grutonic (with Richard Scott, Nick Grew and David Ross). Stephen Grew worked alongside his own formations ( Grew Trio, Grew Quartet (with Phillip Marks, Seth Bennett, Matt Robinson) and the duo Grew & Grew with his brother Nicholas Grew) with Tony Bianco , Saba Tewelde , Howard Riley and Trevor Watts . In the field of jazz he was involved in eight recording sessions between 1995 and 2009. Grew lives in Lancaster .

Discographic notes

  • Grew Trio (1995)
  • Picture August (1999), with Mick Beck
  • Grutronic: Together in Zero Space (2009), with Evan Parker
  • Stephen Grew, Trevor Watts: Con Fluent ( FMR Records , 2016)

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Tom Lord : The Jazz Discography (online, accessed June 23, 2016)