Steve Yaconelli

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Stephen "Steve" Yaconelli (born March 18, 1941 in Los Angeles , California - † October 29, 2003 in Bocas del Toro , Panama ) was an American cameraman .


Stephen Yaconelli was born in Los Angeles as the grandson of the filmmaker Harry L. Fraser and the nephew of the actors Frank Yaconelli and Earl Douglas . After graduating from San Diego State University with a degree in telecommunications , he joined Col's camera dept in 1967 . where he worked as a camera assistant for several television productions. As early as 1973 he was employed as camera assistant for the documentary Scuba and for the crime series Detective Rockford - a call is enough he was allowed to independently direct the camera in 1974 for a television episode. He then worked as an assistant in films such as A man cleans up , Blues Brothers and WarGames - war games in the following years , before he worked independently as a cameraman again in 1985 with the television drama Flammender Sommer . Yaconelli then worked in parallel as an independent cameraman, mainly in television films and series, and as an assistant in several cinema films.

After he became a member of the American Society of Cinematographers in 1996 , he retired as a cameraman only a year later and from then on lived in Bocas del Toro , Panama , where he devoted himself not only to his hobby, scriptwriting, but also his passion, scuba diving , dedicated. He was a diving instructor on Malcolm Henderson's farm and died on October 29, 2003 while diving.

Filmography (selection)

  • 1973: Scuba (camera assistant)
  • 1974: Detective Rockford - Call Enough (The Rockford Files) (TV series, 1 episode)
  • 1979: The Chance of a Lifetime (Fast Break) (camera work)
  • 1979: A man cleans up (Love and bullets) (camera work)
  • 1980: Blues Brothers (The Blues Brothers) (camera work)
  • 1983: WarGames - War Games (WarGames) (camera work)
  • 1985: Flammender Sommer (The Long Hot Summer)
  • 1986: Jackals of the Night (Jackals)
  • 1987 Echoes in the Darkness
  • 1988: Africa, My Life (Beryl Markham: A Shadow on the Sun)
  • 1988: David
  • 1989: Karate Kid III - The Final Decision (The Karate Kid, Part III)
  • 1989: Reunion in Logansport (Bridesmaids)
  • 1990: The Phantom of the Opera (The Phantom of the Opera)
  • 1990: Women and Men: Stories of Seduction
  • 1991: True Friends (The Boys)
  • 1993: The Temp (The Temp)
  • 1994: Operation Blue Sky (Blue Sky)
  • 1994: Cabin boy ahoy! (Cabin Boy)
  • 1995: A Gift from Heaven
  • 1996: Terror in the Family - A daughter runs amok (Terror in the Family)
  • 1996-1997: Dark Skies - Deadly threat (Dark Skies) (TV series, 17 episodes)


  • 1993: Nomination as Outstanding Technical Direction / Camera / Video for a Series for Unplugged
  • 1995: Nomination as Outstanding Technical Direction / Camera / Video for a Series for Entertainment Tonight

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Steve Yaconelli. (Obituaries) (Brief Article) (Obituary) ( Memento of the original from January 5, 2016 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. from on November 20, 2003, accessed November 4, 2011 @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  2. Malcolm Henderson: Don't Kill the Cow Too Quick: An Englishman's Adventures Homesteading in Panama , iUniverse Inc. 2004, p. 219