Stibor zo Stiboríc a Beckova

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Stibor from Stiborice and Beckov; Image by an unknown artist
Coat of arms of Stibor zo Stiboríc a Beckova

Stibor zo Stiboríc a Beckova (German Stibor von Stiborice and Beckov , also. Ctibor von Stiboric I. ) (* probably 1347, † 1414 ) was a nobleman of Polish descent in today's Slovakia . Due to his numerous possessions (e.g. Beckov Castle ), he was often referred to as the “little Slovak king”.


Stibor was invited to the Kingdom of Hungary by King Ludwig I (Hungary) . Since he took the side of Sigismund of Luxembourg in the battles for the throne after the death of this king , he was rewarded by the latter from 1388 with large possessions and high offices. For example, he was the clerk of the Pressburg County , and later also of the Trenčín , Nitra and Banská Bystrica counties . About twenty years after its appearance in the Kingdom of Hungary, Stibor belonged to almost the entire western half of today's Slovakia and he called himself the “master of the whole Waag region”. He also carried the title Duke of Transylvania at times and is often mentioned as a member of the Dragon Order .

He was also the military leader of King Sigismund in the crusade against the Turks, which ended on September 28, 1396 with the devastating defeat of the Crusaders at the Battle of Nicopolis .

Stibor's son of the same name, Stibor zo Stiboríc II , fought primarily against the Hussites in today's Slovakia for Emperor Sigismund . However, Stibor II had no son, so that his family died out after his death (1434) and his possessions reverted to the Hungarian crown.


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