Bull fighting weapon

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Bull fighting weapon
Corrida 0019.jpg
Weapon type: Rapier, dagger, pike
Use: Weapon, tool
Region of origin /
Spain , matadors
Distribution: Spain
Handle: Wood, cotton fabric
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The bullfighting weapons are weapons that in Spain for the traditional bullfighting ( corrida de toros be used). On the one hand, they are used to drive and kill a bull by the torero . Bullfighting is an old Spanish tradition that is heavily criticized by animal rights activists.


  • The Estoque de tres canales , also the Espada ( Spanish Espada de matar , Degen ' ) is the sword that the matador uses in bullfighting . The Estoque des tres Canales has a flat, double-edged, flexible blade. It is about 90 cm long. The blade is the same width from the handle to the location . The place is pointed and sharp. A triple hollow grind is worked out on the blade, which is also the namesake of this weapon. The booklet is designed simply. The guard is very wide, round and made with a simple hand guard. The booklet is covered with wood and wrapped in red fabric together with the guard and the hand guard. The pommel is made of wood and is round. In use, the Espada appears slightly curved. The blade is made in such a way that the puncture is easier to carry out than with a straight blade. The puncture tries to hit the heart or the main artery ; there are two different blade shapes for this.
  • The Estoque de descabello is constructed almost exactly like the Estoque de tres canales . The difference is that the place is widened and equipped with a handle . This stop gag is used to prevent a wounded animal from getting any closer to the person carrying the weapon. This device can also be found on European hunting weapons such as the boar sword and the boar pen . The length is about 90 cm. It is not used during combat, but is used to deliver the death blow to the bull.
  • The Rejón de castiga sin muescas or Puntilla is a dagger with a short, wide and strong, double-edged blade. The place is forged wider than the rest of the very short blade and is pointed. This dagger is used to give the bull the death blow (neck stab) if necessary.
  • The Rejón de castigo con muescas is a lance equipped with sharp, double-edged blades and a kind of barb . The blades are forged or can be exchanged (interchangeable blades). It is used as a driving and "punitive weapon".
  • The Rejón de muerte is a double-edged, short skewer . The place is pointy. The handle is made of metal and is simply forged from the blade without wrapping. It is used for the fatal blow.
  • The pike is a polearm with a short, round, locally conical tip. This pike should serve to direct and incite the animal and not penetrate deeply. It is also provided with a handle toggle.
  • The banderillas are short skewers with sharp, pointy blades with barbs. They get stuck in the skin when they are punctured and remain on the animal. The shafts are decorated with colorful fabric ribbons. These are used to propel the animal.

The bullfighting weapons are not combat weapons and should not be confused with the same name for historical combat weapons. The espada or estoque mentioned here are used exclusively for bullfighting. The weapon of war is described in another article ( Estoc ).


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