Studies on the history of Christian movements of the Reformation tradition in Austria

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The studies on the history of Christian movements of the Reformation tradition in Austria are an academic book series. This series began in 2006 and focuses on the history of Austrian movements, organizations and people who are in the tradition of the Reformation . This tradition is understood in a more conservative way, so that z. B. Anabaptism , Pietism , Awakening Movement , Free Churches or Evangelical Movement .

Publishing house and editor

These “studies” are published by the Verlag für Kultur und Wissenschaft in Bonn . The editors are Frank Hinkelmann , Franz Graf-Stuhlhofer and Thomas Schirrmacher . The publication is carried out on behalf of the Department of Church History of the Institute for Theology and Community Building ( Martin Bucer Seminar Austria); this institute offers part-time theological training in Linz and Innsbruck.

Volumes published so far

  • Vol. 1: Frank Hinkelmann : History of the Evangelical Alliance in Austria. From its beginnings in the 19th century to the present day . 2006, 2nd expanded edition 2012 (300 pages)
  • Vol. 2: Franz Graf-Stuhlhofer (Ed.): Evangelical Alliance in Vienna from the First Republic to the Nazi era (1920-45). Edition of the minutes and programs . 2010 (255 pages)
  • Vol. 4: Fritz Laubach (Ed.): Justinian von Welz . An Austrian as a thought leader and pioneer of world missions. All writings . 2010 (319 pages)
  • Vol. 5: Johannes Goßner (ed.): Martin Boos , the preacher of the justice that applies before God. His autobiography , new ed. by Franz Graf-Stuhlhofer. 2012 (473 pages)
  • Vol. 7: Paul G. Nitsche: Together and for one another. History of the parish prayer brotherhood in Austria in its beginnings (1923-1938) . 2013 (144 pp.)
  • Vol. 8: Frank Hinkelmann: The Evangelical Movement in Austria. Main features of their historical and theological development 1945–1998 . 2014 (725 pages)
  • Vol. 9: Martin Podobri: The Mennonites in Austria. Origin, historical development and outlook. 2014 (276 pages)
  • Vol. 10: Frank Hinkelmann: From Austria to all over the world. History of the Austrian Protestant World Mission . 2017 (166 pages)

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