Sully-André Peyre

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Sully-André Peyre (born September 9, 1890 in Le Cailar , Département Gard , † December 13, 1961 in Aigues-Vives (Gard) ) was a French author of the New Provencal language, Romance studies and editor.

life and work

Peyre co-founded La Regalido magazine in 1909 (12 issues by the end of the same year). From 1921 he published the magazine Marsyas he founded for 40 years (most recently number 383, May 1962). The New Provencal poet Peyre received the Mistral Prize (founded in 1946) ( Prix ​​Frédéric Mistral de littérature provençale / Pres Frederi Mistral ) in 1948 and has recently become the subject of Occitan research.

Works (selection)

  • Choix de poèmes , Aigues-Vives 1929
  • Folco de Baroncelli. Poète provençal , Aigues Vives 1955
  • Essai sur Frédéric Mistral , Paris 1959, 1963, 1965, 1974
  • Mythes , Aigues-Vives 1964
  • Les Papiers de Charles Rafel , Paris 1974 (posthumous collective publication)
  • Choix de poèmes provençaux , Berre-l'Etang 1990 (preface by Jean-Calendal Vianès, 1913–1990)
  • (with Marcel Decremps ) Mireille, poème chrétien? , Berre l'Etang 1990 (discussion by the two authors from 1960; foreword by René Méjean on Peyre)


  • Jean Fourié, Dictionnaire des auteurs de langue d'oc de 1800 à nos jours , 2nd edition, Aix-en-Provence 2009 sv
  • Philippe Gardy, Une écriture en archipelago. Cinquante ans de poésie occitane 1940-1990 , Eglise-Neuve-d'Issac 1992
  • Philippe Gardy, "L'homme à la martelière. Sully-André Peyre et les poètes de Marsyas", in: Los que fan viure e treslusir l'occitan. Actes du Xe Congrès de l'AIEO [Association Internationale d'Etudes Occitanes], Béziers, 12-19 June 2011 , ed. by Camen Alén Garabato et al., Limoges 2014, pp. 833-851

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