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Sumbakauz ( Ninox rudolfi )

Class : Birds (aves)
Order : Owls (Strigiformes)
Family : Real owls (Strigidae)
Genre : Bush owls ( Ninox )
Type : Sumbakauz
Scientific name
Ninox rudolfi
Meyer , 1882

The Sumbakauz ( Ninox rudolfi ) is an owl from the genus of Buschkäuze . It is endemic to the Indonesian island of Sumba .


The medium-sized owl is 30 to 40 centimeters in length. A single specimen weighed 222 grams. The top is dark brown with white spots. The white chin area stands out clearly from the reddish brown, heavily banded underside. The eyes are brown, the eyebrows whitish. The beak is yellowish brown, the ear opening is dark brown. The legs are heavily feathered, the light, dirty yellow toes have blackish claws.

Way of life

The Sumbakauz inhabits monsoon forests and rainforests , coastal swamps and agricultural land from the lowlands up to 930 meters. The food probably consists of insects, the voice is a long, cough-like series kluck-kluck-kluck-kluck… in which each sound lasts 0.23 seconds.


The species occurs exclusively on the island of Sumba, where it is rather rare. By BirdLife International to be guided on the early warning list.


  • Heimo Mikkola: Handbook owls of the world. All 249 species in 750 color photos. Original title: Owls of the World. A photographic guide. 2012, German-language edition, Franckh-Kosmos Verlags-GmbH & Co.KG, Stuttgart 2013, ISBN 978-3-440-13275-3 , p. 446.