Suze la Chapelle-Roobol

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The writer Suze La Chapelle-Roobol
The writer Suze la Chapelle-Roobol

Suze la Chapelle-Roobol (born April 15, 1856 in The Hague ; † September 17, 1923 there ) was a Dutch writer . In Germany she is known for the fourth volume of the girl's book series Der Schadenkopf . The novel was published in 1905 under the title Stijfkopje as grootmoeder and was translated into German by Anna Herbst.


La Chapelle-Roobol comes from a family of artists from The Hague . Her uncle was the theater director of the Stadsschouwburg Amsterdam . She was widowed when her son, who would later become stage actor Philippe la Chapelle , was just one year old and tried to earn an income by writing. She wrote over forty novels, short stories and plays, and also did some translations. Her great-granddaughter Nel Kars is also an actress.


Allegedly, Suze la Chapelle was the model for Eline Vere , protagonist of the novel of the same name by Louis Couperus .


  • Three novels, 1883.
  • Real en valsche steenen, 1884.
  • Ondoordacht, 1885.
  • Een Luchtkasteel, 1886.
  • Nora, 1887.
  • De schoonmama en other romans, 1893.
  • IJdelheid, 1893.
  • Eene misrekening, 1893.
  • Moeder en zoon, 1896.
  • Egoïsme, 1896.
  • Guilty verdict, 1897.
  • Een uit velen, 1898.
  • De Regt family, 1899.
  • Mevrouw Castendijk en hair nichtjes, 1900.
  • Guilt, 1900.
  • Voor't oog van de wereld, 1901.
  • Ouders en kinderen, 1904.
  • Stijfkopje als grootmoeder, 1904.
    • German translation: Defiant head as a grandmother. German by Anna Herbst. 1905
  • Eene teleurstelling, 1905.
  • Een sterfgeval, 1905.
  • In Tweestrijd, 1909
  • Een boete: toneelspel in 4 bedrijven, 1910.
  • Uit het leven, 1910.
  • De gegesters Meienhof, 1912.
  • Het voorbeeld, 1914.
  • Een Waan, 1916.
  • Het verleden, 1917.
  • Vriendinnen, 1918.
  • The van den Binckhorst family, 1919.
  • The strongest band, 1920.
  • Moeder en wickter, 1922.
  • Het Japansche Huis, 1924.
  • Weelde-Drang, 1924.
  • Bartje, 1925.
  • Het gelukskind, 1930.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. DBNL: Suze La Chapelle-Roobol dbnl. Retrieved December 9, 2019 (Dutch).
  2. ^ A b Theresia Feldmann: The Untameable Trumpets: Commerce and Canonicity in the Curious Circulation of a Classic of German Children's Literature in the Low Countries and Germany . In: Dutch Crossing . tape 44 , no. 2 , May 3, 2020, ISSN  0309-6564 , p. 236-253 , doi : 10.1080 / 03096564.2020.1747013 ( [accessed June 15, 2020]).