Sven Erik Wunner

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Grave in Wilster

Sven Erik Wunner (born January 19, 1932 in Kropp , Schleswig district ; † January 13, 2013 ) was a German legal scholar .


As the son of a doctor, Wunner studied history , economics and law at the universities of Marburg , Hamburg and Heidelberg . In Marburg he became a member of the Hasso-Guestfalia country team . In 1957 he was awarded a Dr. jur. PhD . After the second state examination in 1960, a study visit to Rome followed. Since 1961 he was a research assistant of Wolfgang Kunkel . 1964 Wunner was at Kunkel at the Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich habilitation , where he became lectured. In 1964 he was appointed full professor at the Ruhr University in Bochum . From 1970 to 1997 Sven Erik Wunner was finally professor of Roman law and civil law at the law faculty of the Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel .


  • Christian Wolff and the epoch of natural law. Kriminalistik-Verlag, Hamburg 1968


  • Kürschner's German Scholars Calendar 2005. Volume III, Schi-Z. Munich 2005, p. 3949.

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Sven Erik Wunner: Obituary. In: Kiel News . Retrieved January 31, 2013
  2. Dissertation: The problem of the principle of freedom of contract in private law: An investigation into the question of the obligation to contract and the circumvention of § 139 BGB. Heidelberg 1957.
  3. ^ Habilitation thesis: Contractus: His word usage and will content in classical Roman law. Munich 1964.