Symmetric polynomial

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In mathematics , a polynomial is called symmetrical in several indeterminates , if the indeterminates can be interchanged without changing the polynomial.

Formal definition

Let it be a natural number , a ring . Then a polynomial is called symmetric in if

for all permutations


Equivalent descriptions are:

  • For everyone is
that is, one can exchange any two indeterminates for one another.
  • Be it
Then is symmetric if and only if
for all
applies. Clearly this means that the coefficient of a monomial of just depends on which exponent how often happen and not in which indeterminate.
on the polynomial ring . A polynomial is symmetric if and only if it is invariant under this operation, i.e. i.e. if
for all
applies. One possible notation for the ring of symmetrical polynomials is therefore

Body of symmetrical functions

We are now replacing the base ring with a base body . The body of symmetric functions is analogous to the above definition of the fixed field below , thus: . The expansion of the body is Galois with the Galois group and thus has degrees


  • The polynomial is symmetric in and , but not symmetric in .
  • A symmetrical polynomial can be formed from any arbitrary polynomial in the variables by adding the images under the permutations, i.e.:

Elementary symmetric polynomials

A particularly important type of symmetric polynomials are the so-called elementary symmetric polynomials. They are the basic building blocks of symmetrical polynomials in the sense that the latter can always be expressed as a polynomial in the former, and this in only one way.

For every number ( degree of symmetry) of indeterminates and every (polynomial) degree there is exactly one elementary symmetric polynomial .


  • The two elementary symmetric polynomials in the variables , are
such as
  • In three variables , , one has the three elementary symmetric polynomials

Power sums

With the power sums


for one has another kind of symmetric polynomial. They are connected to the elementary symmetric polynomials via the Newton identities . For example, you have:

And vice versa:

If the ring contains the rational numbers , a similar theorem applies as for the elementary symmetric polynomials:

  • Every symmetric polynomial can be written as a polynomial in power sums.
  • This representation is clear .

See also
