Elementary symmetric polynomial

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In mathematics , especially in commutative algebra , the elementary symmetric polynomials are basic building blocks of symmetric polynomials in the sense that the latter can always be expressed as a polynomial in the former, and this in only one way.

For every number ( degree of symmetry) of indeterminates and every (polynomial) degree there is exactly one elementary symmetric polynomial.


They are indefinite. The coefficients of

as a polynomial in are symmetric in ; they are called elementary symmetric polynomials . They can be specified explicitly as

You can also write as


  • The two elementary symmetric polynomials in the variables , are
such as
  • In the three variables , , there are the three elementary symmetric polynomials


  • In an elementary symmetric polynomial, the monomials have a uniform degree: it is a homogeneous polynomial .
  • If you add the degree of as the first index, then is for
The elementary symmetric polynomials for can be calculated recursively as follows:
  • The elementary symmetric polynomial of degree of symmetry and degree of polynomial contains monomials.
  • Law of the elementary symmetric polynomials:
In words: Every symmetrical polynomial can be written as a polynomial in the elementary symmetrical polynomials. The sentence comes from Joseph-Louis Lagrange , but was already known to Isaac Newton .
More precisely, it is even true that this representation is unambiguous , because:
That means: There are no two different polynomials in the variables for which the following applies:
a polynomial with coefficients in and the zeros (counted with multiplicity) of in an algebraic closure of the quotient field of . Then according to the law of roots of Vieta :


With numerical values ​​(instead of indeterminate), the calculation is particularly simple - instead of monomials consisting of products with up to factors, you only have multiplications.

With the following program the coefficients of the polynomial

from the roots of the polynomial

to calculate:

// Umwandlung von Nullstellen in Koeffizienten:
double x[]; // bei Eingabe: n Zahlen für die Nullstellen   x[1, ... ,n]
            // bei Ausgabe: n Zahlen für die Koeffizienten s[1, ... ,n]
for (m=2; m≤n; ++m) {      // leere Schleife, wenn n ≤ 1
  y = x[m];
  x[m] *= x[m-1];          // 
  for (k=m-1; k≥2; --k) {  // leere Schleife, wenn m ≤ 2
    x[k] += x[k-1]*y;      // 
  x[1] += y;               // 


  • In general, the power sums are connected to the elementary symmetric polynomials by the Newton identities .
  • The polynomial
is symmetric in , so it can be written as a polynomial in the elementary symmetric polynomials. Is now
a polynomial with zeros as above and if these are inserted into , then the elementary symmetric expressions correspond to the coefficients except for the signs , i.e. i.e., is a polynomial in the coefficients that only depends on . With the exception of definition variants for the sign, this polynomial is the discriminant of .


References and comments

  1. Jantzen, Schwermer: Algebra 2014, Chapter IV, Theorem 3.5.