Szymon Boguszowicz

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Szymon Boguszowicz (* 1575 - † May 25, 1648 in Lwów , Poland-Lithuania ) was an Armenian painter in Poland-Lithuania.


King Sigismund III. Wasa, 1612/13

The father Paweł Bogusz Donoszowicz (Paul Bogusch, son of Donosch) was a painter, the mother was Katarzyna Axentowiczówna (Katharina, daughter of Axent). The family lived in the Armenian quarter of Lwów (now Lviv in Ukraine). The first mention of Simon in the city files is from 1604. Around 1605 he took over his father's workshop after his death.

Simon painted for the voivod Jerzy Mniszech in his castle in Sambor . In 1606 he accompanied his daughter Marina to Moscow, where she and her husband, the fake Dmitri, were crowned counter-Tsarina. It is not known when Simon returned to Poland-Lithuania after their early fall. He was mentioned once as a merchant in Russia between 1604 and 1610.

In 1610, Simon was an observer of the Battle of Klushino near Smolensk and accompanied the hetman Stanisław Żółkiewski to Moscow. After 1613 he painted for him in his castle in Schowkwa .

Simon was married to Elisabeth. Her will from 1644 has been preserved.


Szymon Boguszowicz painted portraits and paintings on behalf of Polish magnates and the king. His painting style contains Western and Eastern European elements. Clear contours and usually a dark background are characteristic. Szymon Boguszowicz is one of the most important painters of the 17th century in today's Ukraine.


  • Александрович В .: Симон Богушевич. Історія і легенда в біографії львівського маляра першої половини XVII ст. In: Вісник Львівського університету. Серія історична. Випуск 32. Львів, 1997. С. 54-70 .
  • Magdalena Ujma: Testamenty Szymona i Elżbiety Boguszów z 1644 roku, z problematyki majątku ormiańskich mieszczan lwowskich [The wills of Simon and Elisabeth Bogusch, on the problem of the property of Armenian residents in Lwów] . In: O przeszłości, czasy, miejsca, ludzie: księga jubileuszowa dedykowana profesor Jadwidze Muszyńskiej. 2016. pp. 209-218
  • Władysław Tomkiewicz: Czy Szymon Boguszowicz? In: Jan Białostocki, Andrzej Ryszkiewicz (red.): Sztuka i historia, ksiega pamiatkowa ku czci Profesora Michała Walickiego. 1966. pp. 106-113.

Web links

Commons : Szymon Boguszowicz  - collection of images, videos and audio files