TV Jahn-Rheine 1885

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The TV Jahn-Rheine 1885 e. V. is a sports club from the North Rhine-Westphalian city ​​of Rheine . It has had its current name since November 6, 1948. With more than 7,000 members, the club is the largest sports club in the Münsterland , and its 6,000 m² sports park is the largest sports and leisure facility there. The association has also had a five-group kindergarten since 1994.


On October 15, 1885, the club was founded as the first extracurricular gymnastics club by 33 industrial workers in Rheine under the name Gymnastics Club Rheine .

In 1907 the Jahn-Eschendorf gymnastics club was founded in Eschendorf , which at that time did not yet belong to the city of Rheine . The gymnasium was the hall of the Laurenz restaurant on Osnabrücker Straße. Later the Cordesmeyer room became the gym of the Jahn-Eschendorf gymnastics club. It is reported from both clubs that women's gymnastics groups began their first activities in 1920. Athletics , at that time still “folk gymnastics”, was also practiced in both clubs from 1920, as was the fistball game . In 1924, the first Rheines gymnastics team was founded in the Jahn-Eschendorf gymnastics club. A territorial reform changed the boundaries of the city. As a result, the gymnastics club Jahn-Eschendorf changed its name to TV Jahn, Rheine-Eschendorf . The political upheavals of 1933 soon affected the life of all sports clubs. In November of the same year, the three Rheiner gymnastics clubs were forcibly merged to form the Rheiner Gymnastics Association . After this gymnastics association had failed, the Gymnastics Federation Rheine was founded in 1935 , in which the three Rheine gymnastics clubs also nominally led a life of their own. This could not sustain the life of the gymnastics clubs in Rheine. In 1937 the Rheine gymnastics club and TV Jahn, Rheine-Eschendorf merged ; the new club was called Turngemeinde Jahn Rheine .

After the end of the Second World War , on September 10, 1945, an application was made to the mayor's office of the city of Rheine to “reopen the gymnasium”. Initially, the club saw itself as a continuation of the Jahn-Eschendorf gymnastics club founded in 1907. The first thing to do was to give the club an opportunity to practice. On November 1, 1945, permission was given to use part of the riding arena in Eschendorf for training purposes. In the course of coming to terms with the National Socialist past, the association was forbidden to use the name "Jahn" in May 1946, as it was associated with anti-democratic and militaristic tendencies.

Henceforth the club called itself Turnverein Eintracht Rheine-Eschendorf . At the end of 1948, the military government allowed the old name to be used again, so that the current name was adopted on November 6th, which finally sealed the merger of TV Rheine 1885 and TV Jahn-Eschendorf, which took place in 1937 under pressure of circumstances . Everybody's gymnastics or the second way in sport was propagated in 1963 on TV Jahn-Rheine. The new groups, together with the women's gymnastics group founded in 1961, formed the basis for the rise to a large club. In 1966 the old bulletin was replaced by a printed club newspaper called Der Überlag . On June 8, 1966, the 1,000th Became a member and the association became a major association. In 1967 a club office was set up for the first time in the basement of the gym at the Johannesschule. The 1973 general assembly passed a new statute that replaced the 1949 statute . At the same time, the way was paved for the planning of today's amusement park, as the assembly passed a corresponding decision in principle. In the same year the limit of 2,000 members was exceeded for the first time.

In 1976, the city of Rheine made the current club premises available to the club for the amusement park. With the completion of the Kopernikussporthalle in the same year, the club received a further boost. In the same year, the number of members of the association exceeded 3,000 for the first time. In 1977 the first construction work in the amusement park took place. The first tennis courts were opened for use in the spring of 1978. Since 1980 the assembly of delegates has been the supreme body of the association. In the years that followed, the association's work was entirely geared towards the 100th anniversary. The events around this anniversary gave the association so much impetus that its membership exceeded 4,000 for the first time in autumn of that year.


The TV Jahn-Rheine 1885 eV currently has the following departments: American football , aikido , badminton , ballet , baseball , basketball , billiards , archery , boules, darts, fistball , fitness , healthyFit, health sports , handball , judo , karate , kickboxing, children's sports school , Coronary sports, athletics, parkour, psychomotor skills , rope skipping, rugby, swimming , senior citizens, dancing, tennis , table football, table tennis, gymnastics , volleyball .

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