Tadeusz Kański

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Tadeusz Kański , also Tadeusz Hertman-Kański , (born July 19, 1902 in Raj , Austria-Hungary , today Ukraine , † August 5, 1950 in Warsaw ) was a Polish stage and film actor and a film director .


Kański studied architecture at the Lemberg Polytechnic (then still Poland) and attended an acting school almost at the same time. In 1926 he went to Italy to take on film roles for a Turin production company, but there is no evidence of appearances in front of the camera. Back at home in Poland, Kański initially played theater, in Lemberg (1933–1936) and Warsaw (1937–1939). At the same time he could be seen in a number of Polish films that were rarely shown outside the country.

The invasion of the German troops on September 1, 1939 suddenly meant the end of an independent cultural life, and Kański also had great difficulty finding work in Warsaw. The situation for Kański changed dramatically with the murder of fellow actor Igo Sym , a Gestapo confederate, of Austrian descent on March 7, 1941. He was arrested along with a few colleagues and sent to the notorious Pawiak prison. In retaliation, he and over 1,000 other hostages were temporarily deported to the Auschwitz concentration camp on April 6, 1941 on behalf of SiPo and SD . In the camp, Kański tried to create something like theatrical art with a few colleagues. Back at large, Tadeusz Kański took part in the Warsaw Uprising in 1944 .

Before the end of the war, Kański went to Zakopane, where he immediately campaigned for the revival of Polish cultural life. In 1945, parallel to the expulsion of the German locals from Pomerania , he was appointed head of the local, now Polish, broadcasting company. In 1947 he was appointed deputy head of the state and communist-directed film production company Film Polski. Correspondingly, Kański's only film director, “ the tendentious, communist mountain drama ” “ The Devil's Gorge ”, which he directed in 1949, in which Kański also participated and for which he also wrote the screenplay. Tadeusz Kański died soon afterwards.


as an actor, unless otherwise stated

  • 1931: Dziesięciu z Pawiaka
  • 1932: Dzikie pola
  • 1933: Pod Twoją obronę
  • 1938: Kościuszko pod Racławicami
  • 1938: Druga młodość
  • 1938: Sygnały (script only)
  • 1939: Doktór Murek
  • 1949: The Devil's Gorge (Czarci żleb) (also director, screenplay and editing)

Individual evidence

  1. Transport list
  2. ^ Transport on yadvashem.org
  3. Kay Less : Between the stage and the barracks , p. 395


  • Kay Less: Between the stage and the barracks. Lexicon of persecuted theater, film and music artists from 1933 to 1945 . With a foreword by Paul Spiegel . Metropol, Berlin 2008, ISBN 978-3-938690-10-9 , p. 395

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