Diaries (Cobain)

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Diaries is the German title of Kurt Cobain's "Journals", which was published in 2002 by Riverhead Books, a group of Penguin Books .


It was translated and edited by Clara Drechsler and Harald Hellmann. The German edition is a selection of the English-language notes and diary entries of the singer, guitarist and front man of the grunge rock band Nirvana , who left around 800 closely described pages in 23 notebooks, with the editors partly facsimile of the original, partly printed without a facsimile . In most cases the facsimile is found on the left and the translation on the right. In the other cases you will only find translations or texts that do not require translation, such as lists of band names that Cobain valued and that served as sources of inspiration for his music; graphics, comics or drawings understandably remain untranslated even if they contain text.


Cobain's notes and diary entries are quite diverse and varied, but also heterogeneous . You can find letters, song texts, whether they are published or unpublished, i.e. deviations, preliminary drafts or deletions from the published, own comics, graphics, drawings, drafts, ideas and reviews, as well as assessments and opinions. The letters are mostly the drafts of it and often they were not sent. In a large number of cases, the drafts and ideas are cover designs and the public image of his band Nirvana. Among the letters are the following addressees: Dale Crover , who was the band's drummer for a time, Dave Foster , who was also the drummer in the early days, Mark Lanegan ( Screaming Trees ), Eugene Kelly from The Vaselines , Tobi Vail, drummer from Bikini Kill , his father, and his wife Courtney Love . The author has taken great care in the selection of the band lists; they come from a wide range of musical styles and illustrate Cobain's intensive examination of the popular music phenomenon . In this edition they appear in nine places in the book.


Text output

  • In English (as paperback): Kurt Cobain: Journals. New York, 2003. 304 pages. Penguin Books USA. ISBN 9781573223591 .
  • In German (hardcover): Kurt Cobain: Diaries. 1988-1994. Ed. U. trans. v. Clara Drechsler and Harald Hellmann. Cologne, 2002. Kiepenheuer & Witsch. 320 pages. ISBN 3-462-03184-8 .
  • In German (as paperback): Kurt Cobain: Diaries. From the American by Clara Drechsler and Harald Hellmann. Frankfurt am Main. Fischer paperback. Paperback. ISBN 978-3-596-16016-7 .

Individual evidence

  1. See short review on www.weltbild.de ( Memento of the original from August 19, 2014 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot / www.weltbild.de
  2. See the editor's note in: Kurt Cobain: Tagebücher. 1988-1994. Ed. And transl. v. Clara Drechsler and Harald Hellmann. Cologne, 2002. p. 317.