Taira Hara

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Taira Hara ( Japanese は ら た い ら , actually: 原 平 , Hara Taira ; * March 8, 1943 in Tosayamada (today: Kōchi ), Kōchi Prefecture ; † November 10, 2006 in Fujimi , Saitama Prefecture ) was a Japanese manga artist .

At the age of 14 he began sending mangas to various magazines. In 1963, at the age of 19, he moved to Tokyo and published his first comic book as a professional illustrator with Shinjuku B · B ( 新宿 B · B ) in the manga magazine Manga Times . Numerous other works followed, which mainly worked with nonsense humor. He created his most famous manga from 1972 with Monrō-chan ( モ ン ロ ー ち ゃ ん ) for his magazine Manga Goraku .

Hara's great popularity in Japan was mainly due to his participation in the quiz show Quiz Derby ( ク イ ズ ダ ー ビ ー ) on TBS . From 1977 to 1992 he took part in over 800 programs as a prominent question answerer.

Because of the participation in this television show, he no longer worked for manga magazines, but for newspapers. In the 1980s he published mangas in Sankei Shimbun , Hokkaido Shimbun , Nihon Keizai Shimbun and Chunichi Shimbun , among others . He also wrote English textbooks for the elderly and a book about his experiences with climacteric virile .

Hara died of liver failure at the age of 63 .

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