Paradela dam

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Paradela dam
Reservoir with the CFR dam on the left edge of the picture
Reservoir with the CFR dam on the left edge of the picture
Dam Paradela (Portugal)
Paradela dam
Coordinates 41 ° 46 ′ 7 ″  N , 7 ° 57 ′ 1 ″  W Coordinates: 41 ° 46 ′ 7 ″  N , 7 ° 57 ′ 1 ″  W
country PortugalPortugal Portugal
place Vila Real district
Waters Cávado
Height upstream 740  m
power plant
owner Companhia Portuguesa de Produção de Electricidade (CPPE)
operator Energias de Portugal (EDP)
Start of operation 1956
Bottleneck performance 54 megawatts
height of fall
387.5 to 463.5 m
Expansion flow 16.4 m³ / s
Standard work capacity 256.7 million kWh / year
Turbines Francis turbine : 1 × 54 MW
Generators 1 × 60 MVA

The Paradela dam ( Portuguese Barragem da Paradela ) is located in the northern region of Portugal in the Vila Real district . It dams the Cávado to a reservoir (port. Albufeira de Paradela ). Down the river is the Salamonde dam , to the south is the Venda Nova dam and to the southeast is the Alto Rabagão dam . The municipality of Vila da Ponte is located about eight kilometers south of the Paradela dam .

The dam was completed in 1956 (or 1958). In addition to generating electricity, it also serves to protect against floods. The dam is owned by the Companhia Portuguesa de Produção de Electricidade (CPPE).

Barrier structure

The barrier structure is a CFR dam (or dry stone masonry dam ) with a height of 112 m above the foundation level (110 m above the river bed). The top of the dam is at a height of 743.5 m above sea level . The length of the dam crest is 540 m. The volume of the structure is 2.7 million m³.

The dam has both a bottom outlet and a flood discharge , which is located on the left side of the dam. A maximum of 65 m³ / s can be discharged via the bottom outlet, and a maximum of 683 m³ / s via the flood discharge.


With the normal storage target of 740 m (maximum 741.6 m at high water), the reservoir extends over an area of ​​around 3.8 km² and holds 164.4 million m³ of water - 159 (or 158.2) million of these can be used. m³ can be used to generate electricity. With the usable 158.2 million m³ of water, 222.5 million kWh can be generated.

Vila Nova power plant

The Vila Nova power plant contains both the 3 machines that are supplied with water from the Venda Nova dam and the machine that is supplied by the Paradela dam.

Venda Nova I power plant

With an installed capacity of 90  MW, the Venda Nova I power plant is one of the medium-sized hydropower plants in Portugal . The average annual production is 383.9 million kWh .

Paradela power plant

With an installed capacity of 54  MW, the Paradela power plant is one of the smaller hydropower plants in Portugal. The average annual generation is 253 (or 254 or 256.7) million kWh .

According to the Global Energy Observatory , two machines with a maximum output of 27 MW each were put into operation in 1956, which are located in an underground machine house. According to EDP , there is only one Francis turbine with a vertical shaft, which has a maximum output of 55.97 (or 54) MW. The associated generator has an output of 60  MVA . The nominal speed of the turbine is 600 / min. The nominal voltage of the generator is 10.25  kV .

The minimum height of fall is 387.5 m, the maximum 463.5 m. The maximum flow rate is 16.4 m³ / s.

The power plant is owned by the CPPE but operated by EDP .

Paradela II power plant

EDP ​​has started planning to build a pumped storage power plant with a capacity of 318 MW. The costs would be between € 265 million and € 275 million. The average annual production would be 616 million kWh .

See also

Web links

Commons : Barragem da Paradela  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. a b c d e PARADELA DAM. APA Barragens de Portugal, accessed November 10, 2014 .
  2. a b c d e f Paradela Informação Técnica. EDP , accessed November 10, 2014 (Portuguese).
  3. ^ Hidroelectricidade em Portugal memória e desafio. (PDF 226 KB p. 22 (20)) Rede Eléctrica Nacional, SA (REN), accessed on November 10, 2014 (Portuguese).
  4. a b Paradela dam. Structurae International Database for Structures and Civil Engineers, accessed November 10, 2014 .
  5. a b c d Paradela Hydroelectric Power Plant Portugal. Global Energy Observatory, accessed November 10, 2014 .
  6. a b c DECLARAÇÃO AMBIENTAL 2012. (PDF 16.1 MB pp. 20–21 (18–19)) EDP, accessed on February 1, 2015 (Portuguese).
  7. ^ Venda Nova Informação Técnica. EDP , accessed February 1, 2015 (Portuguese).
  8. Reforço de potência de Paradela II. EDP, accessed on 10 November 2014 (Portuguese).
  9. ^ Paradela II Informação Técnica. EDP, accessed November 10, 2014 (Portuguese).