Studen Kladenez dam

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Studen Kladenez dam
Stenata na yazovir Studen kladenec.JPG
Studen Kladenez Dam (Bulgaria)
Studen Kladenez dam
Coordinates 41 ° 37 '10 "  N , 25 ° 38' 29"  E Coordinates: 41 ° 37 '10 "  N , 25 ° 38' 29"  E
country BulgariaBulgaria Bulgaria
place Kardzhali Oblast
Waters Arda
power plant
owner NEK EAD
operator NEK EAD
Start of operation 1958
Bottleneck performance 82 megawatts
Turbines Francis turbines : 5 × 16 MW

The dam Studen Kladenets is a dam with hydroelectric plant in Kardzhali Province , Bulgaria . It dams the Arda into a reservoir. The associated power plant has an installed capacity of 82 MW .

The facility is owned by Nazionalna elektritscheska kompanija EAD (NEK EAD) and is also operated by NEK EAD.

Barrier structure

The shut-off is a gravity dam of concrete m with a height of 67.5. The length of the top of the wall is 338 m.


When the reservoir is fully blocked, it extends over an area of ​​around 28 km² and holds 338 million m³ of water. The reservoir is used to generate electricity as well as for irrigation.

power plant

The power plant is located about 500 m downstream of the dam on the right bank of the Arda. It has an installed capacity of 82 MW and went into operation in 1958. The 5 Francis turbines of the power plant each have a maximum output of 16 MW.

When it was built, four machines were originally installed in the power plant's machine house. From 2007 to 2009 the power plant was expanded by a fifth machine. The additional turbine also has an output of 16 MW (maximum 19.75 MW) and the associated generator 23  MVA . The nominal speed of the turbine is 300 rpm. The drop height is 57.5 m and the volume of water used is 30 m³ / s. The nominal voltage of the generator is 10.5  kV . In the switchgear , the generator voltage of 10.5 kV is increased to 110 kV using power transformers.

See also

Web links

Commons : Talsperre Studen kladenez  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. a b c d Studen Kladenets Hydroelectric Power Plant Bulgaria. Global Energy Observatory, accessed July 30, 2018 .
  2. Studen Kladenet's Reservoir., accessed on July 30, 2018 (English).
  3. ^ Rehabilitation of Dolna Arda Hydropower Cascade, Bulgaria. (PDF pp. 7–8), accessed on July 30, 2018 (English).