Tanchuma bar Abba

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R. Tanchuma bar Abba (also Tanchum bar Abba , more precisely: Berabbi Abba ) was a Palestinian Amora of the fifth generation and lived and worked in the fourth century AD.

He was a student of R. Huna b. Abin and systematically collected the Aggada .

He often discussed questions of religion with non-Jews and met them in a spirit of tolerance.

His midrash collections , which no longer exist , were often regarded as the basis of PRK (Pesiqta de Rab Kahana), PesR (Pesiqta Rabbati) and the Tanchuma-Jelamdenu-Midrashim.

PesR contains 80 proömien in which Tanchuma is named as the author.

The series of the more important Palestinian aggadists ends with Tanchuma bar Abba.
