Tarantula tango

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Tarantula tango
Game data
author Jacques Zeimet
graphic Rolf Vogt
publishing company Schmidt Spiele / Drei Magier Spiele ,
Devir, G3, Gigamic,
Lion Rampant Imports
Publishing year 2009
Art Card game
Teammates 2 to 5
Duration 20 minutes
Age from 7 years

Tarantel Tango is a card game by Jacques Zeimet that was published by Drei Magier Spiele in 2009 and by several other international publishers in the following years. In parts it is similar to the games published by the same author The nasty 7 from 2015 and Dodelido from 2016.

Style of play

The game Tarantel Tango is all about getting rid of their cards as quickly as possible. Thematically, a tarantula tries to win a dance partner for a tango , but at the sight of it all potential dancers flee. In addition to the set of instructions, the game material consists of a five-sided tarantula tile with the tango tarantula and 120 playing cards that contain five tarantula cards in addition to dogs, cows, donkeys, goats, cats and parrots.

Game flow

At the beginning of the game, the tango tarantula is placed in the middle of the table. The 120 cards are shuffled well and then evenly distributed to all players, who each take them as a face-down pile in their hand.

The game begins with a start player who places the top card of his deck face up on one of the five sides of the tarantula tile. Then the other players follow in clockwise order. Depending on what the player has laid out, the following player must react. If it is an animal with a tarantula, it must imitate the animal's sound and place its own card face up one space further. If the card shows two tarantulas next to the animal, it must imitate the animal sound twice and place its own card one space further. If there is no tarantula on the card, however, he places the card one space further without imitating an animal sound. In the case of a double animal, he must also place the card two spaces further without animal sound. Regardless of the map, each player only has two seconds to react and make the right animal sound. If a player hesitates too long, utters a wrong sound (also “uh” or “uh”) or utters a sound when he doesn't have to make one, he has to take all cards already on display into his own hand. If it is a tarantula card, all players hit the table as quickly as possible; the slowest player must take all cards on display in hand. If someone claps the table without a tarantula card being played, they must also pick up the cards.

The game ends when a player runs out of cards and ends the game as the winner.

Advanced rules

In addition to the basic game, the author and publisher recommend "rules for advanced players" in which all animals are given additional properties:

  • the donkey is stubborn; Whenever a donkey is revealed, the next card must be placed on the same space.
  • the dog runs in the opposite direction: Whenever a dog is revealed, the direction of discarding changes for the following cards until the next dog appears.
  • the cow plays twice: if a player places a cow, he must react to the card himself (moo or be silent) and play another card. If the successor is too hasty and places a card, he must take all cards.
  • the parrot repeats: A parrot without a tarantula repeats the animal sound of its predecessor, a double parrot even repeats it twice. If a tarantula is shown on the card, however, he calls out "ouch".

All other rules are the same as in the base game.

Expenses and reception

The card game Tarantel Tango was developed by Jacques Zeimet and published in 2009 by Drei Magier Spiele , the children's games brand from Schmidt Spiele . The card and game design comes from the game illustrator Rolf Vogt . The game was first published in a multilingual version in German, English, French, Dutch and Italian. As a result, the game was published either directly by Drei Magier or as a licensed game by various publishers, also internationally in several versions and languages.

In terms of playing style, the game is very similar to the game published by Drei Hasen in der Abendsonne in 2015 , Die fiesen 7, and the game Dodelido , also published by Drei Magier in 2016 , both of which were included in the jury's list of recommendations for the game of the year .

supporting documents

  1. a b c d e Official rules of the game for Tarantula Tango
  2. Versions of Tarantel Tango in the BoardGameGeek database; accessed on March 1, 2018.

Web links