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Tarnutzer is a Prättigau family name .

The family name Tarnutzer , also Tarnuzzer , Darnutzer or Darnuzzer comes from the Walser settlement Alp Tarnutz (also called Malanser Tarnutz ) south of Fideris in the Prättigau at the foot of the Chistenstein ( 2473  m ). The name is spread in Fideris , Jenaz , St. Antönien , Schuders , Schiers and its surroundings as far as Walserberg .

Well-known namesake

Individual evidence

  1. Peter Nichols Richardson: German - Romance Contact. Name-giving in Walser settlements , Amsterdam 1974, ISBN 90-6203-221-4 , p. 29
  2. Tarnutzer families of Switzerland