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State : SwitzerlandSwitzerland Switzerland
Canton : canton of Grisonscanton of Grisons Graubünden (GR)
Region : Prättigau / Davos
Political community : Schiersi2 w1
Postal code : 7228
Coordinates : 774 952  /  207076 coordinates: 46 ° 59 '30 "  N , 9 ° 44' 20"  O ; CH1903:  seven hundred and seventy-four thousand nine hundred and fifty-two  /  207076
Height : 1272  m above sea level M.
Schuders (Switzerland)
w w w w

Schuders , pronounced in the local dialect Schuudersch [ ˈʃuːdərʃ ], is a Walser village built as a hillside settlement at an altitude of 1272 m in the Prättigau in Graubünden .


Politically, Schuders has belonged to the Vorderprättigau central municipality of Schiers since 1878 .

Geography and geology

Salginatobel Bridge

From Schiers, Schuders can be reached via a winding road that passes the Salginatobel Bridge , constructed by Robert Maillart in 1930 .

Schuders in winter, watercolor from 1918

With a width of 1200 m and a height of 600 m, Schuders has one of the largest slide areas in the Alps. After a whole part of the village had to be abandoned as early as 1887/88 due to slate slides, new slides began to appear from 1910 onwards, which resulted in faster movements in 1935 and included new, previously unaffected areas. After the Second World War, the road, which was built between 1928 and 1934, had to be relocated several times, and by 1960 a third of the land that was once used for agriculture was lost. The mean speed of the slide movement in the actual slide area was 184 cm per year between 1942 and 1964. In 1956/57 consideration was given to relocating all residents, but from 1960 the slopes stabilized again.


The village is first documented in 1256 as "Schuder". Until 1851, the land around the settlement was under the cathedral chapter in Chur , while Schuders itself formed an independent neighborhood based on the Schiers judicial community.


Schuders, which has had its own village church since 1508, accepted the Reformation in 1593 . The reformed church Schuders is a former miners' chapel . For a long time looked after by his own pastor, Schuders is now in changing pastoral communities with other Prättigau parishes.



Formerly a mining community , Schuders now lives from agriculture and summer tourism .


  • Otto Clavuot: Schuders. In: Historical Lexicon of Switzerland .
  • Josias G. Flury, Markus Weidmann: A valley in motion. Erosion, forest and stream control in the Schraubachtal (Prättigau, GR). Edited by the Bündner Forstdienst. 2nd, revised edition. Chur 2005 (fact sheet 1).

Web links

Commons : Schuders  - collection of images, videos and audio files