Tarquinio Merula

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Portrait of Tarquinio Merula, 17th century

Tarquinio Merula (born November 25, 1595 in Busseto , † December 10, 1665 in Cremona ) was a composer and organist of the Italian early Baroque .

Tarquinio Merula became the organist in Lodi in 1616 . In 1622 he was Kapellmeister at Santa Maria Maggiore in Bergamo . In 1623 he went to Warsaw as court organist , where he worked for King Sigismund III from 1624 . Wasa was active. In 1628 he returned to Italy. He was organist and concertmaster at Sant'Agata and Kapellmeister at the Cathedral of Cremona , from 1633 to 1642 he was again at his previous post in Bergamo. From 1652 until his death again at Cremona Cathedral.

Thanks to Amati and his students, Cremona was already one of the most important centers of string instrument making in the second half of the 16th century. As a result, the demand for instrumental music among local patricians and nobility was correspondingly high. Merula and Niccolò Corradini were among the composers who met the demand with ecclesiastical and secular music. His multi-part instrumental works (canzones, balli, sonatas) are among the notable examples of violin and trio sonata literature from the period before 1650. For church use, he wrote numerous madrigals with instrumental accompaniment and masses . One of his works is the opera La finta savia from 1643.


  • op. 1 Canzoni A Quattro voci per sonare con ogni sorte de stromenti Musicali . Venice 1615
  • op. 4 Il Primo Libro de Madrigaletti . Venice 1624
  • op.5 Il Primo Libro de madrigali concertati for 4 to 6 voices and Bc Venice 1624
  • op. 6 Il Primo Libro de Motetti e Sonata . Venice 1624
  • op. 7 Satiro e Corisca. Dialogo musicale for 2 voices and Bc Venice 1626
  • op.8 Libro secondo de concerti spirituali con alcune sonate . Venice 1628
  • op. 9 Il secondo libro delle Canzoni da suonare a tre . Venice 1639
  • op. 10 Madrigali et altre musiche concertate a 1–5, libro secondo . Venice 1633 and 1635
  • op. 11 Pegaso, opera musicale, Salmi, Motetti, suonate a 2-5 voci, libro secondo . Venice 1637 and 1640
  • op. 12 Canzoni, overo sonate concertate per chiesa e camera ..., Libro terzo . Venice 1637
  • op. 15 Concerto… messi, salmi… concertati, 2–8, 12 voci e stromenti . Venice 1639
  • op. 16 Arpa Davidica… salmi, et messe, a 4. Venice 1640
  • La finta savia , Opera, Venice 1643, after a libretto by Giulio Strozzi
  • Op. 17 Il quarto libro delle canzoni da suonare . Venice 1651
  • op. 18 Il terzo libro delle salmi et messa concertati, a 3–4 . Venice 1652
  • In addition, there are manuscripts of motets in the Aachen city archive , in the library of the Liceo Musicale in Bologna and in the Biblioteca dell'Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei e Corsiniana in Rome and manuscripts of keyboard music in the Central Library of Solothurn and in the State Archives of the Canton of Uri, Altdorf.


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