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As Tarrantiner (English Tarrantine ) Indians in the area of ​​the state of Maine were previously referred to. Tarrantiner is the German form of the English synonym Tarrantine or Tarratine for the Micmac . This is how English colonists called members of this Indian tribe in eastern Canada in the 17th century .

The origin and meaning of the term "Tarrantine" are uncertain. However, it seems to be an indigenous word used by its traditional enemies, the grain-growing Indians such as the Abenaki , Penacook , and Massachusett .

There are ancient records that the Tarrantines waged war against the Abenaki from 1607 to 1615 . In the course of this conflict, the Tarrantine War (English Tarrantine War), Bashabes , the founder of the Abenaki Confederation , was killed.


See also

List of North American Indian tribes