Tassoltan Tasretowitsch Basiev

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Tassoltan Tasretowitsch Bassijew ( Russian Тасолтан Тазретович Басиев , Ossetian Баситы Тазреты фырт Тасолтан Bassity Tasrety fýrt Tasoltan * 23. September 1947 in Moscow ; † 26. February 2002 ) was a Soviet and Russian physicist Ossetian nationality, especially with photonics deals Has.

life and work

From 1972 to 1984 Basiev worked at the Lebedev Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences . At the same time he studied at the Moscow Energy Institute from 1972 . In 1976 he was awarded the Lenin Komsomol Prize . In 1984 he defended his dissertation “Selective Laser Spectroscopy on Activated Crystals and Glasses”.

Basiev is the creator of fluoride laser nanoceramics, of new laser single crystals . He has built solid-state lasers with an energy of more than 100 joules (100 ns) and a peak power of more than 200 GW (500 fs) and developed new SRS crystals and SRS lasers ( Stimulated Raman Scattering ). He established the quadrupole mechanism of coherent entanglement in nanoclusters and weakened decoherence . The methods for Nanophotonics of RE - ions in laser crystals and glasses were developed by him.

He was the author and co-author of 412 scientific papers, including 36 reviews, 4 monographs, and he held 28 patents.

Basiev was a member of the Academy Commission for Prizes for Young Scientists of the Russian Federation, he was Scientific Council of the Russian Academy of Sciences on Spectroscopy of Atoms and Molecules, in the Editorial Committee on Optical Materials and Quantum Electronics, Ph.D. and a member of the American Optical Society.


  • Четырехволновая генерация ВКР-компонент излучения в кристаллах BaWO4 и SrWO4 при пикосекундном-.везбужТ Т. Басиев, М. Е. Дорошенко, Л. И. Ивлева, С. Н. Сметанин, М. Елинек, В. Кубечек, Х. Елинкова
  • Безрезонаторная стохастическая лазерная генерация в нанокомпозитной среде - С. Н. Сметанин, Т. Т. Басиев
  • Синхронизм четырехволновых взаимодействий ВКР-компонент в двулучепреломляющих ВКР-кристаллах - С. Н. Сметанин, Т. Т. Басиев
  • Кинетика сверхбыстрого миграционно-ускоренного тушения в наночастицах - Н. А. Глушков, Т. Т. Басиев, И. Т. Басиева

Individual evidence

  1. Басиев Т.Т. - Общая информация. Retrieved May 25, 2018 .
  2. a b Басиев Т.Т. - Общая информация. Retrieved May 25, 2018 .
  3. a b c d Персоналии: Басиев Тасолтан Тазретович . Retrieved May 23, 2018.