Tatiana Ehrenfest-Afanassjewa

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Tatjana Ehrenfest-Afanassjewa (born as Tatjana Alexejewna Afanassjewa , Russian Татьяна Алексеевна Афанасьева ; born November 19, 1876 in Kiev ; † April 14, 1964 in Leiden ) was a Russian-Dutch physicist and mathematician .

Tatjana Ehrenfest (ca.1910)

Tatiana Afanassjewa grew up after her father's death with her uncle in Saint Petersburg . From 1902 she attended the University of Göttingen , where she met the Austrian physicist Paul Ehrenfest (1880–1933), whom she married on December 21, 1904. In 1907 they both moved to Saint Petersburg and from there to Leiden in 1912. At the University of Leiden , Paul Ehrenfest succeeded Hendrik Antoon Lorentz .

Tatjana Ehrenfest worked closely with her husband, including on the influential article on statistical mechanics in the Encyclopedia of Mathematical Sciences . She also worked as a mathematics school teacher and was very interested in questions of didactics in mathematics. She organized mathematics-didactic colloquia for teachers at home and published on this topic in both Dutch and German, e.g. B. the essay What can and should geometry lessons give to a non-mathematician? (1927) or their collection of exercises on a geometric propadeuse (1931), in which almost 200 practical exercises on geometric topics are proposed. The didactic events were attended by Hans Freudenthal , among others , who later played an important role in the reform of mathematics teaching in the Netherlands in the 1960s.

From her marriage with Ehrenfest she had two sons and two daughters, of whom Tatjana Pawlowna Ehrenfest (1905–1984, later Tanja van Aardenne-Ehrenfest) also became a mathematician.


Web links

Commons : Tatyana Afanasyeva  - collection of pictures, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. also published separately in English translation The Conceptual foundations of the statistical approach in mechanics, Cornell University Press 1959
  2. T. Ehrenfest-Afanassjewa: Wat kan en moet het Meetkunde-onderwijs aan een niet-wiskundige geven. In: JB Wolters: Groningen en Den Haag (1924). Retrieved December 2, 2018 (Dutch).
  3. Sacha la Bastide-van Gemert: All Positive Action Starts with Criticism . Springer, 2015, ISBN 978-94-017-9333-9 , Chapter 2 (English, springer.com [PDF]).
  4. ^ Harm Jan Smid: Foreign influences on Dutch mathematics teaching . In: K. Bjarnadóttir, F. Furinghetti, G. Schubring (eds.): “Dig where you stand”. Proceedings of the conference “On-going research in the History of Mathematics Education” . 2009, p. 209 (English, skemman.is [PDF]).
  5. She studied from 1928 in Göttingen with Harald Bohr , Max Born and received her doctorate in Leiden in 1931. Biography of NGde Bruijn (PDF; 141 kB)
  6. see also Klaus Hoechsmann: Revisiting Tatjana Ehrenfest-Afanassjewa's (1931) “Collection of exercises for a geometric propadeuse”: A Translation and Interpretation . In: The Mathematics Enthusiast . tape 8 , no. 1 , 2011 (English, umt.edu - freely accessible English translation of the original).