Tauriphila xiphea

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Tauriphila xiphea
Subordination : Dragonflies (Anisoptera)
Superfamily : Libelluloidea
Family : Libellulidae (Libellulidae)
Subfamily : Pantalinae
Genre : Tauriphila
Type : Tauriphila xiphea
Scientific name
Tauriphila xiphea
Ris , 1913

The Tauriphila xiphea is one of the two dragonfly species of the genus Tauriphila from the subfamily Pantalinae . The species was first described in 1913 by Friedrich Ris . The species is common in Argentina and Uruguay .

Construction of the Imago

The approximately 32 millimeter long abdomen of the males is dark red-brown on the upper side. It becomes a little lighter on the sides and on the stomach. The abdomen narrows sharply in the third and fourth segment. The upper abdominal appendages are about as long as the ninth segment. The female abdomen is slightly shorter and also reddish brown. From the fourth to the tenth segment, a wide black line runs down the back. The segment transitions are bordered in black. The abdominal appendages are shorter. The chest ( thorax ) is brown-black in males and has a very strong greenish-blue shine in front. The sides also shimmer greenish blue. In the males, the lower lip is light brown and the upper lip is black. The face is dark brown and the forehead with a vertical bubble is metallic blue. The hind wings are about 39 millimeters long. Both pairs of wings are diffuse yellow. In addition, there is a dark spot at the base of the hind wing that is a bit lighter in the females. The wing mark ( pterostigma ) measures 2 to 3 millimeters.


  1. ^ Henrik Steinmann - World Catalog of Odonata (Volume II Anisoptera) [p. 551], de Gruyter, 1997, ISBN 3-110-14934-6
  2. a b Friedrich Ris: Libellulins . (pdf) In: Selys-Longchamps, Edmond de, baron, 1813-1900. Collections zoologiques; catalog systematique et descriptif . 3, 1913, pp. 1004-1005. Retrieved May 31, 2009.