Tehran Stock Exchange

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Tehran Stock Exchange

legal form Corporation
founding 1967
Seat Tehran , Iran
Website www.tse.ir

Tehran Stock Exchange

The Tehran Stock Exchange ( Persian بورس اوراق بهادار تهران; short TSE ) is the largest market of Iran . It opened in 1967, closed in 1967 after the Islamic Revolution , and reopened in 1989. In 2007, 416 companies with a total market capitalization of almost 40 billion US dollars were listed on the stock exchange, in July 2010 there were 337 companies with a capitalization of around 70 billion US dollars. The Tehran Stock Exchange is a member of the World Federation of Exchanges and a co-founder of the Federation of Euro-Asian Stock Exchanges . The main advantage of the exchange is that more than 40 industries are directly involved in it, including the automotive, telecommunications, agriculture, petrochemical, mining, steel, iron, copper, banking and insurance industries. The leading index of the exchange is the TEPIX .

The market index rose by 50% annually between 1999 and 2004, which is roughly three times the inflation rate at that time. Political uncertainties and especially the international sanctions due to the Iranian nuclear program are causing high volatility in prices. In the Iranian government's privatization efforts, the stock market plays an important role in valuing and selling state-owned companies.


The 10 largest companies by market capitalization - September 2012
Surname Market cap.
(Million $)
% Weighting
1. Telecommunication Company of Iran 9,250 9.7
2. IMIDRO (National Iranian Copper Industries Company) 7,708 7.4
3. Mobarakeh Steel 6,271 6.0
4th Ghadir Investment Company 4.134 4.0
5. Chadormalu Mining and Industrial Company 3,683 3.5
6th Khouzestan Steel Company 3,648 3.5
7th Gol Gohar Iron Ore Company 3,647 3.5
8th. Omid investment 3,595 3.5
9. Bank Pasargad 3,262 3.1
10. Pardis Petrochemical Co. (part of the National Petrochemical Company ) 3,066 2.9
Total 104.141 47.1
Development of the leading index TEPIX 1999–2011

Web link

Individual evidence

  1. a b History. Tehran Stock Exchange, accessed December 17, 2017 .
  2. a b c Djavad Salehi-Isfahani: Oil wealth and economic growth in Iran . In: Ali Gheissari (Ed.): Contemporary Iran - Economics, Society, Politics . Oxford University Press, 2009, ISBN 978-0-19-537848-1 , pp. 30th f .
  3. ^ Tehran Exchange Trades Futures to Attract Investors - businessweek.com ( Memento from May 14, 2011 in the Internet Archive ), accessed on February 19, 2012.
  4. ^ Value of Tehran Stock Exchange to top $ 70b , payvand.com , accessed February 19, 2012.
  5. Iran offers incentives to draw investors ( Memento from March 10, 2012 in the Internet Archive )
  6. Tehran Stock Exchange Monthly Bulletin September 2012 (page 6) (PDF; 742 kB)